How to Subscribe Jio Prime from jio website?

Here are the steps to subscribe Jio Prime from :
  • Head over to and click on the sign-in button on the top right corner.
  • Login with your credentials.
  • You have options such as account summary, your existing plan, recharge, recharge history and locate your phone.

  • There is a separate tab for Jio Prime Membership Plan, click on ‘Get It Now’ button.
  • It will take you to the payment gateway.
  • Select your mode of payment – credit card, debit card, internet banking or debit card + PIN.
  • Once the payment is successful, you’ll get the acknowledgment for the same.
  • To confirm if the plan has been activated or not, logout and login again.
  • On the default my account screen, the dark yellow strip with ‘Prime Member’ will show up on the summary tab, and you’re done.